Bobby Clutterbuck

Managing Director

Bobby set up Recruitment Wolf in 2017, with one goal in mind; to change the way the recruitment industry is viewed. Having worked in the industry for 8 years, he knows how it should be done; knowing honesty and efficiency are at the top of the list whilst ensuring you match clients and candidates.

Shane Green

Business Development Director

Shane has been a fundamental part in the growth and success of Recruitment Wolf from day one. Shane has worked in the food industry for 32 years covering all food categories. Working his way up, he has now become one of the most respected interims in the industry. We look forward to further development with Shane as a key part of our business.


If you think Recruitment Wolf could help you hunt out the perfect career opportunity or fill a vacancy fast, get in touch today. We can promise a fast, fair and fantastically convenient service that will allow you to expand your company, or help you move into an exciting new career.

07415 411 292